How Tariffs Affect Small Business Owners
Tariffs can significantly impact small business owners, both directly and indirectly, by increasing costs, disrupting supply chains, and influencing consumer demand. Here are some things to keep in mind.
How To Make A Small Fortune Trading Stocks
Answer: Start with a large fortune. The fact is, actively trading stocks is one of the fastest ways to destroy your wealth. Here are some things to consider.
No Buy 2025
Frustrated with inflation, consumerism, and the clutter of "too much stuff?" Join the No Buy 2025 movement that is sweeping social media. The no buy movement refers to a challenge where people stop buying nonessential items for a period of time, often a year.
How CA Law SB1126 Impacts Businesses
If you run a small business in California, and have even ONE employee, you are required to offer a retirement savings plan by the end of 2025. The penalty for non-compliance, per Government Code Section 100033(b), could be up to $500/employee.
Why QQQ Isn't For Y-O-U
QQQ, the fund based on the Nasdaq 100 Index, is the consensus investment for "tech exposure." However, it has flaws that no one is talking about. Given its popularity ($97bill in inflows over the last 12 months) it is important to understand how this fund works.
The Myths of Dividend Investing
Investing in high dividend paying companies is a popular trope in the personal finance community. Here are 10 reasons to reconsider this approach.
Tax GAIN Harvesting?!?!
Tax Gain Harvesting is a tax arbitrage strategy where you sell investments in a taxable brokerage account at gains, during a year in which your tax rate is low. This can eliminate, or severely reduce, the amount of taxes you pay on the appreciated positions.
Ready for a Big Capital Gains Tax Bill?
If you own mutual funds, you may have received a bill for capital gains tax, even if you didn’t sell your shares. Why?
The Core 4 Portfolio
The Core 4 Portfolio, developed by Rick Ferri, is one of my favorite model portfolios for young accumulators & DIY investors due to its simplicity, diversification, and low cost.
Active ETFs Are A Joke
Growth Stocks FTW!!! For the first half of 2024, large cap growth stocks in the U.S. returned over +23%, the best performing asset class by far.
Year End Tax Planning
Only 73 days left until the end of the year! Below are some tax savings strategies that you will want to take advantage of before year end.
Growth Stocks FTW!!!
Growth Stocks FTW!!! For the first half of 2024, large cap growth stocks in the U.S. returned over +23%, the best performing asset class by far.
I Thought The 60/40 Portfolio Was Dead??
I Thought The 60/40 Portfolio Was Dead?? At least that’s what the financial media was saying in 2022 when the 60/40 was having its worst year in past 50 years, returning -17.8%.
HSA & HDHP Increases For 2025
The IRS released Revenue Procedure 2024-25 to provide the inflation-adjusted limits for health savings accounts (HSAs) and high deductible health plans (HDHPs) for 2025.
The Case For Muni Bonds
How about a 6.40% yield* for a AA rated school district? Sounds interesting, right? If you are a small business owner in California, looking for passive income, and tired of being gouged by taxes, consider California Municipal Bonds
An Update on I-Bonds
Remember when I-bonds were all the rage?? If you purchased I-bonds in August of 2022 when a popular investing website article declared "Run, Don't Walk, for I-Bonds," your investment would be yielding 2.96% right now.
2024 Tax Planning
Congrats! You just finished paying your 2023 taxes! Now is the perfect time to get started on tax planning for 2024.
The Profit First Method
The Profit First Method is a way to transform your business by separating profit from your income first, and then paying expenses after. This ensures you are reserving enough cash to pay yourself and creating a cushion for expansion, taxes, a slowdown in income, or unexpected expenses.
The Tax Hack Every Investor Should Know
IRS Code 852(b)(6) is the greatest tax hack that every investor should know.
Passive Income Vol. 4: Bond Ladders
Bond ladders are a series of fixed income investments with different maturity dates. Over time you will receive interest payments, usually semi-annually, as well as your initial investment at maturity.