No Buy 2025
Frustrated with inflation, consumerism, and the clutter of "too much stuff?" Join the No Buy 2025 movement that is sweeping social media.
The no buy movement refers to a challenge where people stop buying nonessential items for a period of time, often a year. This is a great opportunity to stop and reflect on the things that are important to us. Below are some of my favorite tips & tricks for developing mindful spending habits.
1. Boxing Party - Pack up everything into boxes, as if you were moving. Take items out as you need them. Anything still in the box after 3 months is either donated or thrown out.
2. Pull the Receipts - Go through your recent orders on Amazon and ask yourself "do I know where this item is right now?" and "was this purchase necessary?" This will help manage unnecessary spending in future checkouts.
3. Go Generic - Ever notice the price difference between Cheerios and Toasted O's? The 2-3x markup is to cover the cost of advertising and marketing, while the ingredients are almost identical.
4. Dual Purpose Items - Is it a sock drawer, or a nightstand?? Both! Often there are ways to declutter our living space by using items that have a dual purpose.
5. Take a Pause - Before clicking the buy now button, take a moment to let that dopamine rush pass. The larger the purchase is, the longer the pause should be.
6. Project Pan - Similar to No Buy '25, this viral name refers to using up every last bit of something before buying a new one. You'd be amazed how much more shampoo is actually in the bottom of that bottle.
7. Food Waste - We all do it, and we all know its a problem. By acknowledging food waste when it occurs, we can make better decisions the next time.
8. Budgeting Apps - PocketGuard, Honeydue, and Monarch Money are easy to use and can help you see where the money is going. This is often the most difficult, yet the most crucial, step in understanding your spending habits.
If you would like to discuss your personal finances in more detail, click Book A Meeting.