No Buy 2025
Frustrated with inflation, consumerism, and the clutter of "too much stuff?" Join the No Buy 2025 movement that is sweeping social media. The no buy movement refers to a challenge where people stop buying nonessential items for a period of time, often a year.
New CA Employment Laws For 2024
What do marijuana and equal wages have in common? They are now both protected by law in CA.
The Tax Hack Every Investor Should Know
IRS Code 852(b)(6) is the greatest tax hack that every investor should know.
The Solo 401k
ATTN: Solopreneurs – The Solo 401k is the secret wealth hack you didn’t know you needed. If you are a business owner and your only employee is yourself, you can save a massive amount in taxes by opening a Solo 401k plan. These plans can be setup at a reputable firm like Charles Schwab, and often have low/no fees.
Time In The Market > Timing The Market
The human brain is laughably terrible at being able to correctly predict when you should buy and sell investments. Here are some fun facts that show the benefit of staying invested for the long term.
Passive Income Vol. 2: Municipal Bonds
Tax-free income and protection of capital?!?!… Its not an IUL, its municipal bonds!!
Passive Income Vol. 1: REITs
If unclogging toilets at 2am at your rental property is not your idea of passive income, then you may want to consider a Real Estate Investment Trust.
A Rudderless Boat
A rudderless boat only has the freedom to sail in circles.
Lessons From Dish Network
Charlie Ergen, the co-founder and chairman of Dish Network, is in a tough spot. After amassing $26bill in debt, Dish has to shore up their balance sheet while trying to negotiate with its bondholders.
Unclaimed Money
Keeping track of all of your accounts can be hard. If you have changed jobs recently, did you remember to rollover that old 401k to the new employer??
Cash Is A Choice
To Buy Or Not To Buy… That Is The Question.
Don’t Be The Greater Fool
Bitcoin ETFs were just approved by the SEC, and the price of Bitcoin has been rising since Oct'23 in anticipation. Advocates of Bitcoin claim that this is proof of the demand from the investing public for access to Bitcoin. They say this is the future of investing.
Planning For A $300,000 Investment
Have you ever wondered about the financial commitment of raising a child? According to a 2022 study from the Brookings Institute, the estimated cost is $310,605 before college.
The Cost of Stock Picking
Index Funds for the win!!
6 Celebrities Who Lost Millions In The NFT Crash
The NFT market has crashed in recent months, and celebrities have not been spared. Here are the top 6 celebrities who have lost millions in NFTs.
Common Investing Mistakes
Recognizing common behavioral mistakes can make a world of difference in your portfolio's performance. Here are three issues that often trip up investors and how to navigate them.
Avoiding Lifestyle Creep
Lifestyle creep is a phenomenon where people increase their spending as their income increases, leading to a higher cost of living and less disposable income. This can be a dangerous cycle that can lead to financial instability and debt.
Pay Yourself First
Your savings rate is key for measuring your financial health and achieving financial independence.But which comes first: saving money or paying expenses?
The Death of Active Management
The latest SPIVA report card was just released showing a whopping 97% of mutual funds underperforming their own benchmarks. There is no legitimate excuse to be paying Wall St. mutual fund stock pickers anymore.
How Your Credit Score Actually Works
Your credit score is a numerical representation of your creditworthiness, and it plays a crucial role in your financial life. A good credit score can help you qualify for loans at lower interest rates, save money on insurance, and get approved for apartments.