Growth Stocks FTW!!!
For the first half of 2024, large cap growth stocks in the U.S. returned over +23%, the best performing asset class by far.
But did you know, that by adding small cap value stocks to your portfolio, you are more likely to outperform a total stock market index over the long run?
Over the past 50 years, a portfolio of half large cap growth, and half small cap value, would have returned +12.6%, whereas a single total stock market allocation would have returned +10.7%.
Not only that, but the former portfolio would also have a higher Sharpe ratio (0.53 vs 0.45), a higher Sortino ratio (0.78 vs 0.65), a higher safe withdrawal rate (5.5% vs 4.3%), and a higher perpetual withdrawal rate (7.8% vs 6.2%).
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Large Cap Growth Stocks had a stellar return in H1’24.