An Update on I-Bonds
Remember when I-bonds were all the rage?? If you purchased I-bonds in August of 2022 when a popular investing website article declared "Run, Don't Walk, for I-Bonds," your investment would be yielding 2.96% right now.
Passive Income Vol. 4: Bond Ladders
Bond ladders are a series of fixed income investments with different maturity dates. Over time you will receive interest payments, usually semi-annually, as well as your initial investment at maturity.
Passive Income Vol. 3: Preferred Stock
Not quite a bond, and not really equity, preferred stock sits between these two major portfolio building blocks in the capital stack. So why should you consider adding preferred stock to your portfolio?
Financial Habits
40% of your daily actions are habits, not decisions!
Market Timing
"Stocks are so expensive! I can't invest now!" - Everyone
The Fixed Income Fallacy
"My advisor picks the best bond funds. These portfolio managers can add alpha because bonds are less liquid than equities." 🤔 🤔