The Case For Muni Bonds
How about a 6.40% yield* for a AA rated school district? Sounds interesting, right? If you are a small business owner in California, looking for passive income, and tired of being gouged by taxes, consider California Municipal Bonds
An Update on I-Bonds
Remember when I-bonds were all the rage?? If you purchased I-bonds in August of 2022 when a popular investing website article declared "Run, Don't Walk, for I-Bonds," your investment would be yielding 2.96% right now.
Independent Contractor vs. Employee
Do I have independent contractors or full-time employees? If you hired workers for your business, knowing the difference between these two designations is critical. The Department of Labor final rule on independent contractors went into effect on March 11th. Full-time employees are entitled to minimum wage, overtime pay, and other benefits.
Your Business Credit Score
While your personal credit score is tied to your Social Security number, your business credit score is tied to an Employer Identification Number — or EIN. This helps you keep your personal financial information private while you build and maintain your business credit score.
California Business Tax Climate In 2024
California’s corporate tax system ranks 48th according to the Tax Foundation. The Tax Index has 5 different components, and CA ranks poorly in most of them.
New CA Employment Laws For 2024
What do marijuana and equal wages have in common? They are now both protected by law in CA.
Business Interruption Insurance
As an advisor to small business owners, I look at all components of your business to see where the blind spots are. Business interruption insurance is one area that is commonly overlooked.
FTC Bans Noncompete Agreements
Considering launching your own small business?? The FTC just banned noncompete agreements, making it easier for you to break away from your desk job.
New Reporting Requirements For Business Owners
ATTN: Small Business Owners - The new Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) Report is due to FinCen by the end of 2024.
Small Business 401k Tax Credits
🙋♀️ 🙋♂️ Who likes free money?? ✋✋ How 'bout government tax credits for your small business 401k plan? Secure ACT 2.0 did exactly that!
Hiring Your Kids
If you run a sole proprietorship, hiring your kids to work in your business has several tax advantages. First, make sure the work they are doing and the wage you are paying them is reasonable.
2024 Tax Planning
Congrats! You just finished paying your 2023 taxes! Now is the perfect time to get started on tax planning for 2024.
The Profit First Method
The Profit First Method is a way to transform your business by separating profit from your income first, and then paying expenses after. This ensures you are reserving enough cash to pay yourself and creating a cushion for expansion, taxes, a slowdown in income, or unexpected expenses.
The Tax Hack Every Investor Should Know
IRS Code 852(b)(6) is the greatest tax hack that every investor should know.
Passive Income Vol. 4: Bond Ladders
Bond ladders are a series of fixed income investments with different maturity dates. Over time you will receive interest payments, usually semi-annually, as well as your initial investment at maturity.
The Solo 401k
ATTN: Solopreneurs – The Solo 401k is the secret wealth hack you didn’t know you needed. If you are a business owner and your only employee is yourself, you can save a massive amount in taxes by opening a Solo 401k plan. These plans can be setup at a reputable firm like Charles Schwab, and often have low/no fees.
Time In The Market > Timing The Market
The human brain is laughably terrible at being able to correctly predict when you should buy and sell investments. Here are some fun facts that show the benefit of staying invested for the long term.
Money Avoidance
Money Avoidance - Not wanting to look at your financial situation, over fear of shame or guilt about what you may find.
You are not alone.
The American Dream
From 1980-2023, the U.S. housing market returned 8.6% while the S&P 500 returned 14% when including dividends.
Passive Income Vol. 3: Preferred Stock
Not quite a bond, and not really equity, preferred stock sits between these two major portfolio building blocks in the capital stack. So why should you consider adding preferred stock to your portfolio?