The American Dream
From 1980-2023, the U.S. housing market returned 8.6% while the S&P 500 returned 14% when including dividends.
The American Dream looks different for the next generation. For Millennials and Gen-Z, financial independence will come in many different forms. The best way for them to get on track is to open a free brokerage account at a reputable dealer and to start investing money into index funds.
Some more advantages of index funds over homeownership:
1) Portable - Moving across the country to take a new job? Much easier to take that portfolio with you.
2) Liquid - Need funds to cover an emergency or take that dream vacation? Sell some shares to access the cash.
3) Less headaches - No need to worry about home maintenance and repairs, property taxes, or insurance. Just Index & Chill.
4) Diversification - Buying a home is a large & concentrated bet on that specific area. Index funds are globally diversified.
5) Affordable - It takes very little money to start investing in index funds today.
Don't let the high cost getting into the real estate market prevent you from saving and investing in your future. Open a free account and start putting money into index funds today.