An Update on I-Bonds
Remember when I-bonds were all the rage?? If you purchased I-bonds in August of 2022 when a popular investing website article declared "Run, Don't Walk, for I-Bonds," your investment would be yielding 2.96% right now.
2024 Tax Planning
Congrats! You just finished paying your 2023 taxes! Now is the perfect time to get started on tax planning for 2024.
The Tax Hack Every Investor Should Know
IRS Code 852(b)(6) is the greatest tax hack that every investor should know.
Passive Income Vol. 4: Bond Ladders
Bond ladders are a series of fixed income investments with different maturity dates. Over time you will receive interest payments, usually semi-annually, as well as your initial investment at maturity.
The Solo 401k
ATTN: Solopreneurs – The Solo 401k is the secret wealth hack you didn’t know you needed. If you are a business owner and your only employee is yourself, you can save a massive amount in taxes by opening a Solo 401k plan. These plans can be setup at a reputable firm like Charles Schwab, and often have low/no fees.
Time In The Market > Timing The Market
The human brain is laughably terrible at being able to correctly predict when you should buy and sell investments. Here are some fun facts that show the benefit of staying invested for the long term.
Money Avoidance
Money Avoidance - Not wanting to look at your financial situation, over fear of shame or guilt about what you may find.
You are not alone.
The American Dream
From 1980-2023, the U.S. housing market returned 8.6% while the S&P 500 returned 14% when including dividends.
Passive Income Vol. 3: Preferred Stock
Not quite a bond, and not really equity, preferred stock sits between these two major portfolio building blocks in the capital stack. So why should you consider adding preferred stock to your portfolio?
Lessons From Dish Network
Charlie Ergen, the co-founder and chairman of Dish Network, is in a tough spot. After amassing $26bill in debt, Dish has to shore up their balance sheet while trying to negotiate with its bondholders.
Unclaimed Money
Keeping track of all of your accounts can be hard. If you have changed jobs recently, did you remember to rollover that old 401k to the new employer??
Understanding Secure Act 2.0
Secure Act 2.0 has over 90 provisions in it. Here are the top 5 that are most likely to affect you.
Cash Is A Choice
To Buy Or Not To Buy… That Is The Question.
Planning For A $300,000 Investment
Have you ever wondered about the financial commitment of raising a child? According to a 2022 study from the Brookings Institute, the estimated cost is $310,605 before college.
The Cost of Stock Picking
Index Funds for the win!!
Best Places To Park Your Cash
You should not be trying to time the stock market and move money in-and-out of your long term investments. These options are for emergency funds, liquid cash needs, or short term investment needs only. The bulk of your money should be invested with your long term strategy in mind.
6 Celebrities Who Lost Millions In The NFT Crash
The NFT market has crashed in recent months, and celebrities have not been spared. Here are the top 6 celebrities who have lost millions in NFTs.
Common Investing Mistakes
Recognizing common behavioral mistakes can make a world of difference in your portfolio's performance. Here are three issues that often trip up investors and how to navigate them.