The Tax Hack Every Investor Should Know
IRS Code 852(b)(6) is the greatest tax hack that every investor should know.
The Solo 401k
ATTN: Solopreneurs – The Solo 401k is the secret wealth hack you didn’t know you needed. If you are a business owner and your only employee is yourself, you can save a massive amount in taxes by opening a Solo 401k plan. These plans can be setup at a reputable firm like Charles Schwab, and often have low/no fees.
Time In The Market > Timing The Market
The human brain is laughably terrible at being able to correctly predict when you should buy and sell investments. Here are some fun facts that show the benefit of staying invested for the long term.
Money Avoidance
Money Avoidance - Not wanting to look at your financial situation, over fear of shame or guilt about what you may find.
You are not alone.
The American Dream
From 1980-2023, the U.S. housing market returned 8.6% while the S&P 500 returned 14% when including dividends.
Passive Income Vol. 3: Preferred Stock
Not quite a bond, and not really equity, preferred stock sits between these two major portfolio building blocks in the capital stack. So why should you consider adding preferred stock to your portfolio?
Financial Habits
40% of your daily actions are habits, not decisions!
Market Timing
"Stocks are so expensive! I can't invest now!" - Everyone
The Fixed Income Fallacy
"My advisor picks the best bond funds. These portfolio managers can add alpha because bonds are less liquid than equities." 🤔 🤔
Passive Income Vol. 2: Municipal Bonds
Tax-free income and protection of capital?!?!… Its not an IUL, its municipal bonds!!
10 Inflation Hacks Everyone Can Use
Mindful Spending – Create a list of things that are important to you and spend on them freely. Premium pet food, kids activities, or a backyard BBQ with friends can add lots of value to life. Then reduce or eliminate mindless expenses.
Passive Income Vol. 1: REITs
If unclogging toilets at 2am at your rental property is not your idea of passive income, then you may want to consider a Real Estate Investment Trust.
Lessons From Dish Network
Charlie Ergen, the co-founder and chairman of Dish Network, is in a tough spot. After amassing $26bill in debt, Dish has to shore up their balance sheet while trying to negotiate with its bondholders.
Personal Finance Resolutions - 2024
The New Year is a great time to get your personal finances in order. Here are some ideas on small steps you can take today to begin building your net worth in 2024.
Adaptive Planning Explained
Traditional financial advisors will help you with investments, but little else. Have you considered how many financial decisions you will make in the next 5 years?