Why You Need An Estate Plan
Without an estate plan in place, your assets will have to go through probate court. California has one of the highest probate fees in the country.
New CA Employment Laws For 2024
What do marijuana and equal wages have in common? They are now both protected by law in CA.
Business Interruption Insurance
As an advisor to small business owners, I look at all components of your business to see where the blind spots are. Business interruption insurance is one area that is commonly overlooked.
FTC Bans Noncompete Agreements
Considering launching your own small business?? The FTC just banned noncompete agreements, making it easier for you to break away from your desk job.
New Reporting Requirements For Business Owners
ATTN: Small Business Owners - The new Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) Report is due to FinCen by the end of 2024.