Independent Contractor vs. Employee
Do I have independent contractors or full-time employees? If you hired workers for your business, knowing the difference between these two designations is critical. The Department of Labor final rule on independent contractors went into effect on March 11th. Full-time employees are entitled to minimum wage, overtime pay, and other benefits.
Your Business Credit Score
While your personal credit score is tied to your Social Security number, your business credit score is tied to an Employer Identification Number — or EIN. This helps you keep your personal financial information private while you build and maintain your business credit score.
California Business Tax Climate In 2024
California’s corporate tax system ranks 48th according to the Tax Foundation. The Tax Index has 5 different components, and CA ranks poorly in most of them.
Small Business 401k Tax Credits
🙋♀️ 🙋♂️ Who likes free money?? ✋✋ How 'bout government tax credits for your small business 401k plan? Secure ACT 2.0 did exactly that!
Hiring Your Kids
If you run a sole proprietorship, hiring your kids to work in your business has several tax advantages. First, make sure the work they are doing and the wage you are paying them is reasonable.
The Profit First Method
The Profit First Method is a way to transform your business by separating profit from your income first, and then paying expenses after. This ensures you are reserving enough cash to pay yourself and creating a cushion for expansion, taxes, a slowdown in income, or unexpected expenses.